Thursday, January 10, 2013

Visita al Castillo de Santa Barbara

Yesterday the whole group got a great tour of the old part of the city and the Castle of Santa Barbara. We had some amazing views and great laughs. I also found out that I share a common educational experience with several of my new friends in the group: we are Waldorf kids! Maraya was likely at the same Potlach that I was at on Whidbey Island in 4th grade!!! (It's kind of a big deal for those of you who are not familiar with the Waldorf system/community). AHHH I swear the world is constantly getting smaller, and I love it. Anywho, school is going well. This first week we only have a single language/grammer class with other international students. There is a hilarious Russian student, 2 wonderfully nice Japanese students, and 7 american students.  Next week we start with a mandatory program class called Realidades Sociales (Social Realities) and a preparatory course that helps international students get accustomed to the Spanish higher education system.  Then in February, after all of the spanish students finish with exams, we enroll in normal classes at the University. I'm excited to chose my classes in the coming weeks, I'm going to try to set it up so that I don't have class on Fridays so that I can find more time to sail and travel on the weekends. 
         Representing L&C in Alicante!
    Nighttime view and a cliche jumping picture.

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