Sunday, January 27, 2013


     Hola a todos! Sorry for not writing last week, it's been a busy first month, we are finishing up the "Intensive Language Period" next week, so my mind has been elsewhere. This post actually refers to a trip we took to Valencia 2 weeks ago; so I'm doing a bit of catching up, bear with me. 
     On January 12th all 55 + of us got on a big bus en route to Valencia, another costal city to the North of Alicante. Most everyone slept on the bus because Friday night "todos fueron de fiesta" (everyone went out to party)...except me because I'm an old lady. I spent the 2 hr bus ride reading Shantaram (I know I keep talking about this book, but it seriously is a work of art, just incredible). 
     We arrived in Alicante at around 11:00. We got to see the amazing City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia's modern crown jewel, a collection of futuristic buildings that truly is out of this world. We then headed city center first stopping at El Mercado Central where everyone buys their fresh produce, including whole animals (yes pig heads included: by the truckload). We then walked to La Catedral where they claim to have the Holy Grail (all I could think of was Monty Python...."that’s no ordinary rabbit, that’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on," and of course The Last Crusade comes to mind when thinking of the Grail.  Ok sorry, I get carried away with my movie references. 
    We were then given some "tiempo libre," so some friends of the group and I walked around the city, found a park, hung out and practiced our Spanish. We then met up with the group a couple of hours later, touring el Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias which had really cool ceramic artifacts and lots of 18th century interior decoration. After a full day of museum and city exploring, we were all tired. Yet again everyone except me fell asleep on the bus heading home...and as you can guess I was reading's one hell of a roller coaster ride, concerning the plot and the reader's emotions, I nearly cried at one point.  All in all it was a great visit, and I plan on returning sometime this semester, it's such a short trip from Alicante! 

-Some of us girl with the Director Pepa and Marisa 

- The Holy Grail!...or should I say the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch      - Sorority pose in the Museum

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