Friday, March 22, 2013


Hello one and all, I am terribly sorry that it's been so long since I have made a post. Needless to say a mix of laziness and being busy has kept me from blogging. To catch you up on life I will start with the fact that the weather has been gorgeous, 70 degrees in March.....I am sooo lucky! In celebration of the weather and also to satisfy our terrible cravings for Mexican food (Mexican food doesn't exist's a tragedy) we have been making guacamole weekly. I have included some documentation of said guacamole. I have been spending a lot of time with wonderful new friends here, many of them from Lewis & Clark, which is fantastic because we shall continue our adventures together upon our return to the mother-land.  I have also included a picture of my host dad Cesar helping along the burning of the coals for a barbecue with my host mom's hair dryer....I guess we have reached the modern age people. 
               All in all life has been great. I have been having a blast with my intercambios David and Pablo (aka ready-made Spanish friends who help us with Spanish and we help them with English).  We go out for "unas cañas" (beer) and tapas and talk about politics, movies, fútbol, culture, history, really whatever we want. It is an incredible experience to have a fully bi-lingual conversation. Last week David and I went out and I spoke the whole time in Spanish and he in English. It was a fantastic night, helped by the fact that FC Barcelona won Premier League game against AC Milan.  I love that I am once again living in a culture that actually appreciates soccer. 

We love guacamole! 

Me and my friend Chauncey out for mojitos

Cesar heating the coals up with a hairdryer....classic. 

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